Just about a week ago, I had an email from Terry Ponder, who was one of my former students in the 1980s, or before. Apparently, Terry was reading this blog and realized that I did not have a picture of Mrs Lilly, who was the stockroom manager until the early 1970s. Since he had several pictures taken during that time, including one of Mrs Lilly, he offered to send them to me. Terry's email and his pictures from the past brought back more of my memories from my time at ETSU when Dr. Nicholson was the Chair. Terry and a bunch of students who worked in the stockroom used to spend quite a bit time "just chatting" in the stockroom - even when they were not working. They enjoyed being there with Mrs Lilly, who had a warm relationship with them and always made them feel welcome.Terry did send me a few pictures from that time and I have posted them below. The first picture is of Mrs Lilly, who was the stockroom manager both when I was a student there and later when I came back as a faculty member:

The second one is of Terry with Ann People in the stockroom:
And the third is one which I posted before, a picture taken at Duke Garden when we participated in a Student Affiliate Meeting. Terry has identified the people in the picture for me:
from left: Sarah Barron, Ann People, Anne's husband Bob, Terry Ponder, Steve Winters, Floyd Quillen, Galen Queen, Jeff Wardeska, and myself. Terry , Floyd and Galen were also basketball players on the Chemistry Department team. We won quite a number of games at the intramural competitions every year!
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