This National Parkway is very near to Johnson City. We had 469 miles of beautiful highway to appreciate every spring and fall. There are plenty of hiking trails along the road - we could take one trail every week for many years without repeating any hikes. We started to take advantage of these when we lived in the area, and began to learn how to gradually increase our knowledge about those gorgeous mountains. The pictures below were taken in the Fall of 1974, when we, as a family in our early days, started to hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway. The color change is just as good as anywhere in the USA. My slides are not coming out as I would have liked, as I was learning my photographic techniques at the time too!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Blue Ridge Parkway
My Beautiful Wife
In 1974, with two children at home, Janice started to teach again and settled in her position as a teacher in the not-most-ideal situation. She was, however, very comfortable to manage the hectic life. She was still maintaining our social activities, not only in the church, which included the choir, but also in my Chemistry Department, and the newly started Civic Chorale. The following picture was taken during a big dinner she cooked for a large group of guests at our home. My beautiful wife handled everything with ease. When I look at this picture and think about the moments at that time, when she was toasting the whole group at a dinner party, I am feeing how lucky I was with her around!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
We like Watauga Lake!
As you read this blog, you can see that whenever we had visitors, we took them to Watauga Lake. Whether new or old friends, this lake was our favorite place to take them to visit. It not only has beautiful scenic spots to drive around, it also has trails for walking. Depending on people’s age and stamina, we could walk from fifteen or twenty minutes to a couple of hours. There were also boats for renting and good designated swimming areas. So you could enjoy all kinds of activities there. The following pictures show us as we went there as a family and enjoyed the shore lines.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Its fun to dress-up
There is no question that Panpan, as a young girl, was always very interested in dressing–up. Her favorite holiday was Halloween, primarily because it gave her a chance to put on a costume. I have collected some pictures of her at a school function, which we believe was the first time for her to dress-up, at least it was the first time I took some pictures. You can easily taste the excitement from her expression.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Visitors and Visiting
We definitely were setting down in Johnson City and enjoying the East Tennessee area. We had more and more visitors regularly and were going out visiting nearby friends too. There were also guest speakers whom I invited almost every week to give seminars in the Department on Friday afternoons. I had started the seminar program and was working hard to make it a success. There were several family friends who came to visit quite often, such as the Ludwicks, who were teaching in Alabama, and the Sanzones, who were at nearby Virginia Tech. Some of their pictures are collected below to give you a glimpse of our lives during that time. The pictures of the Ludwicks were taken on two different occasions in the backyard at our home. The pictures of the Sanzones were taken at their place when we visited them in Blacksburg.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Tang Family Visit
Sherman is my long time friend from Taiwan. While we have not lived in the same town, we have kept in touch with each other over the years we have been in the US. We attended each other’s weddings and we visited many times on different occasions. Sherman’s parents came to stay with his family where they helped to raise their two boys in New York. In the Fall of 1974, the whole family came to Johnson City for a visit. It was by far the most extensive visit of our two families. We went to many places in the area, including Watauga Lake, Beach Mountain, Roan Mountain, and, of course, the ETSU campus and nearby Rocky Mount, etc. We have a lot of good pictures to show our activities. Best of all, we have some of the best pictures of Sherman’s parents!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Harold Markstrom
Harold had several connections with our lives in 1974. First of all, he was our piano tuner. We bought a used piano and he was a very important person during the years we used it! He was also, at the time, tuning all the pianos in the ETSU Music Department. When I became the Adult Choir director that year for Our Savoir Lutheran Church, he was also the choir accompanist. Ed and Judy got married that summer and Harold played for the wedding. Talking about weddings, Chunk Story helped me to make a big round table, which sits up to sixteen people and which we used for the first time for that wedding dinner. It has been used for many many special dinners ever since. See pictures of the table below along with some dishes Janice cooked and with guests Pastor Mould and Dr.and Mrs. Hsu. The last picture is of Harold with his wife Lori.