Monday, January 7, 2013

More Old Pictures

It is not surprising to find more old pictures from Janice’s father’s collection. We have piles of stuff left by Janice’s parents, after they passed away. We had not touched them for so long that we really forgot what we had! The following five pictures deserve to be collected here. The top one is Janice’s mother in a studio picture, which is the only one we have done by a professional photographer. I assume that it was for some special occasion, but we no longer could verify this. Janice’s mother was quite young, and the picture was done carefully by a very skillful person! As a fellow photographer, I am very impressed by the professionalism of this person. 


The other four pictures below were done, I believe, by Janice’s father. After many years, at least sixty, they are still very clear, no sign of yellow stains, and no sign of fading. It is clear that Janice’s father had much better equipment than the ones I first used when I was in Junior High School! The first picture is of Janice’s mother and her sister Dot as young girls. The following ones include Janice and her sister Shari and brother Greg.



          janice'sold-3  janice'sthree

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