Saturday, February 12, 2011

Classrooms and Labs

During the four years we were in Taida, we rarely used the front main gate on Roosevelt Avenue for entering or exiting the school, except for picture taking. The side gate on Hsin-shing South Road was the in-and-out door we used daily. The general classrooms on the right of the gate, as you enter from street, were used by us regularly during the first two years we were there. On the left side was the University Athletic Field, tennis courts first, followed by volleyball courts, and several basketball courts, where I spent quite a bit time during my four year tenure there. The Chemistry Building was on the left, not too far down street from the courts. The building was new when we entered the University; we spent our last two years almost totally in that building. It deteriorated quickly under the damp climate of Taiwan weather. When we took the picture below in our Junior year in front of the building it no longer looked new.

Our organic lab was held outside the Chemistry building, in an annex right across the street from the Chemistry building and to the left. It was torn down not too long after we used it. The picture below might be the only picture left anywhere to remember this place.

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