Monday, June 15, 2015

Kentucky Visit

In the spring of 1978, we made another trip to visit my sister Kai at the University of Kentucky, where she was in the final stage of finishing up her PhD degree in the Biochemistry Department. Her doctor degree made the fourth doctor degree in the Huang family. There was quite a bit pressure on her I am sure, as all her brothers had received their doctor degrees earlier. When we visited her place she was in the final stages of completing her degree and we had a very relaxing time. We were able to take some pictures of our former church, where Steven was baptized, and of her labs, where she did all her thesis work. She took a job, her first, in Chicago, and we went to her place to help her with packing. Janice was still at her teaching job and could not go with us. kentuckykentucky-3kentucky-4kentucky-6kentucky-7

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